Feb 24, 2010

crazy life, crazy emotions

For the past month or some, my emotions have been on the blitz.  Everything, I MEAN EVERYTHING, would make me cry.  I would cry because I was happy, cry because I was sad, cry because I was frustrated, and then would cry again because I was frustrated that I was crying.  I don't know how to explain it without making it seem ridiculous (although it was).  I'm not writing this because I seek pity because it was pretty lame.

I still don't know what the cause was but I decided to get away   That being stuck in Roosevelt wasn't helping any.

Saturday I followed my family to Salt Lake.  Annie had a gymnastics competition. She took 2nd!  She rocks!

I departed from my family and headed up to the University of Utah!  
That night Meg, Paul, and I went The Rocky Horror show.  It was fun to be with them, Ana did great, however that show was icky.  I don't recommend it to anyone who has any morals whatsoever. 

Sunday morning, we went to Music and the Spoken Word.  It was really great! I truly have missed it.   After a quick breakfast, I headed down to Provo.

I went to church with Ashley.  We skipped Relief Society and Ash made an awesome dinner! Monday morning we went to the Provo Temple to do baptisms.  It was really awesome! I haven't been able to in so long!

Monday at noon I had an appointment with an advisor in the Special Education program at BYU.  She informed me that applications to the program were due that Wednesday (today).  So the past couple of days I have been filling out paperwork, writing essays,  volunteering, and having people fill out letters of recommendations for me.  

I am so extremely grateful to say that: IT IS OVER!! The application has been submitted.  Now its time to pray that the people in charge of choosing will follow the spirit and decide whether their program is right for me. 

PS  Thanks mom and dad for being so awesome and helping me through this crazy application....

Aren't they cute? :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you chica! and so very proud of what you got accomplished in such a short amount of time. And Im very sorry that you feel stuck when your back in the basin. Your time is almost here to head off to the city again....i may never get you back this go around! lol....i love you bunches and smunches............Mom