Apr 27, 2010

day one complete

Today was the first day of classes!  Overall, they were sucessful.  I had Book of Mormon first.  They have two different kinds of BofM classes, those for Return Missionaries or "Gospel Scholars" and the normal one.  I accendently enrolled in the Return Missionary class.  I thought I would just stay for the class and switch when I got home, but when the teacher started introductions with "What's you name? Where are you from and where'd you serve your mission?"  I figured I should leave.  Luckily upstairs was a normal Book of Mormon class. The teacher of that class is normally an English professor for University of Nebraska, Lincoln.  This is his first semester teaching Book of Mormon, his "dream" he told.   So, we'll see how that goes.

I had a huge break between classes (6 hours to be exact).  So, I came home took a 2 1/2 hour nap and washed the dishes the apartment has collected over the past 3 days.

At 4, I parked my car at the Mariot Center, and walked to the David O. McKay Education Building (there seriously has to be a closser parking lot....maybe down the stairs?)  

My Intro to Special Education class is going to be an intresting one.  It started with prayer, which I loved that it did (I can get used to this).  We watched a clip from a devotional presented by Sister Dyches.  She talked about how wonderful kids with disablitlies are.  It was really great! I'm going to have to find it.

I'm really grateful to be here at BYU.  I can feel the Spirit everywhere.  I start my stats class tomorrow. We'll see how that goes.

Love and miss you all!

My sweet Wyview abode:


Meg said...

Yay! Another blog post! It has been a while! Looks like you're settling in to Provo life just fine. :D

Anonymous said...

SOunds like your first day went grand! Glad you are enjoying it. Much better than the U for you. Love you tons...miss you more!....Love mom

Jean said...

There IS closer parking to that building - try west and/or south of campus. You'll just have to walk up the stairs. I never parked northeast after my freshman year!

Ashley said...

yea byu! i am glad you are settling it :) the most awesome part is that the spirit never leaves as long as you are looking for it and living right! :)