Yesterday was great! I slept in late, like really late. I took Matthew to class and on my way home I got a phone call. I didn't answer it because I was driving (Mom you should be happy). When I got home I checked my voicemail. It was from the Vice Principal of Greenwood Elementary. She offered me a position as a Special Education paraeducator. I start Monday! It is 15 hours a week, Monday through Friday, 9:15-12:15.
When I got pulled together, I headed to Salt Lake to see my darling
Meg! We went to a fun. concert. They're an awesome band! After we went back to Meg's house, ate dinner and ice cream and watched Big Fish. It was a blast! Thanks so much Meg!
congrats on the job!! I hope you have tons of fun!!
congrats about the job!!!!!!! that is sooo awesome!
That is great news.
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