Sep 3, 2010


I've been having a rough couple of weeks.  But a priesthood blessing and trip to the temple changed that in one day.

I'm determined to see God's purpose for why I am living at the Branbury.
I'm determined to look for the positive in every difficult situation.
I'm determined to not doubt my friendships, but strengthen them daily and seek for opportunities to create new ones.
I'm determined to devote time to myself daily just to meditate and think about how bless I am.

P.S.  I have two job interviews next week.  I'm not going to get my hopes up because in the past couple of weeks I've had 4 interviews and no luck at any of them. One of the jobs is a 504 paraeducator that is only 5 hours a week and another is a Research Assistant in the Special Education department at BYU.  I hope one of them works out.  Heck it would be a miracle if both of them worked out!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I love you Alexis!