So, when we got home we googled what it meant:
Anyone who has got a liking and embraces classic pop culture. A retrosexual is (in the female case) that woman who eschews the sexual-revolution plank of feminism in favor of more-traditional values. Perhaps even 1950s values (this is not to say she goes as far as the cone-bra). A little burlesque, a little Betty Crocker, the retrosexual woman has new-fangled spunk and old-fashioned values: she does for abstinence and monogamy what Slang Flashcards do for Dover illustrations. She may be, well, Sexless in the City, but only 'cause she chooses to be.I like it.
haha, i swear almost all waiters on the wasatch front are gay...I've yet to get a straight one in about 2 years.
It seems like it is a trend to attach the word "sexual" to definitions. A city guy, an urban guy,etc. Some people out there want to sexualize everything. So there are people out there who are chocola-sexual and vegitario-sexual, Neola-sexual, snow boardio-sexual. You have to carry a dictionary around at all times. But then you would be dictionario-sexual.
This is rockin. ---> "new-fangled spunk and old-fashioned values" They should add that to the Relief Society Theme/Young Woman's Motto. It fits nicely - see -
We are beloved spirit daughters of God, and our lives have meaning, purpose, and direction. We have new-fangled spunk and old-fashioned values. As a worldwide...."
Perhaps I'll write a letter to the Prophet... ;)
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