Oct 27, 2009

you think you "know"

Today while on the bus, I was doing my usual activity, listening to other people's conversations.  The girl a on the seat adjacent to mine was talking to her friend a couple of seats up.   They were talking about the latter girls job.  She works at a hospital and was hoping that on game day they didn't have any "codes".  The first girl asked what that was and her friend told started explaining.  In mid-sentence the first girl stopped her 

"Oh ya, I watch Grey's Anatomy, 
I know a about medicine"



Since then, I've been thinking about what sort of things that I "know" (according to that standard).  My list:

  • I "know" about piano becasue I've watched Paul practice before.
  • I "know" how to be a crime scene investigator because I used to rigorously watch CSI and all of its spawn weekly.
  • I "know" how to build a house because several were constructed along the highway and I would see their progress daily.


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