Nov 27, 2011

bullets again.

  • Dad and Annie have been working in puzzles in the living room for the past couple of weeks.  I really hate jigsaw puzzles.  My brain can't figure them out.  I've been thinking about the kind of puzzles that I do like.  I think kids--kiddos with disabilities--are like puzzles to me.  I miss searching my brain for ideas to help each student be able to learn.  It's like searching for the missing puzzle piece so that student can see the picture and be able to learn.  I can't wait to come back and start teaching.
  •  It really bothers me with couples call each other "babe" or "baby".  I'm sure your significant other is not an infant child, so don't call them a baby.  I don't mind nicknames or pet-names but "babe" is not acceptable. 
  • Most days I have a hard time with passing the time.  I don't have much to do.  I have way to much time to think. I think way too much. Matthew used to tell me about how hard it was and I would think "suck it up, boy".  But I really need to apologize to him.  This isn't very fun. 
  •  22 days. 
  •  I'm hoping to get new glasses soon. I want partial turtle shell rims.  

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